Personal Details
Title Lead Osteopath
Primary Specialty Osteopath
Qualifications MOst DO ND

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Mona Choaie is an Arabic speaking graduate from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine with a Masters in Osteopathy and a Diploma in Naturopathy. She has undergone additional post-graduate training in Osteopathy, in paediatrics, pre and post-partum and the bio mechanics of running.

Mona was based in New Zealand as an osteopath for under 2 years – working alongside GPs and Consultants, treating all ages from newborns to the elderly. She is now based in London, UK also working with private, and consultant referred patients from all over the world.

She believes in treating the body as a whole, to restore and repair structure for optimal function. Mona uses a variety of holistic treatment methods including structural and cranial osteopathy, individualised exercises, nutritional advice, mindfulness, and breathing techniques, all tailored to my patients.

Mona is am a member of the Institute of Osteopathy and registered with the General Osteopathic Council.