Personal Details
Title Ms Salimatu Djalo
Primary Specialty Sports Therapist
Qualifications BSc Sports Therapist

Social Media


As a recent graduate who studied Sports therapy at the University of East London, I am very excited to use the knowledge I acquired while studying together with the experience developed during my placement overseas to provide evidence-based care to all my patients.

With great enthusiasm and dedication to providing evidence-based in the field of sports therapy. I am committed to using a biopsychosocial approach to treatment as it acknowledges the multifaceted nature of patients’ well-being.

By considering the biological, psychological and social aspects of each patient’s condition. This enables me to be better equipped to create personalised treatment plants that can lead to better outcomes.

I care for my patients by using various methods of treatment which include deep tissue massage, MET and PNF stretches, myofascial release therapy, trigger point release and strength and conditioning exercises.

These techniques can be very effective in addressing a wide range of sports-related injuries and musculoskeletal issues.

I believe that providing an open and inclusive approach when caring for patients from all races and backgrounds is essential for providing equitable healthcare.

Compassion and empathy are also crucial qualities that I have developed which allow me to establish trust and rapport with my patients.

I aspire to further increase my knowledge and skills in Physiotherapy and Neuroscience, which will allow me to better care for all my patients by staying updated with the latest research and advancements in these fields. overseas